Association Frédéric Fellay

Join us

You can support the Association Frédéric Fellay by joining as a member (joining does not involve any active participation on your part) or by making a donation.

Your data is strictly confidential.

  • Individual CHF 60,-/year
  • Couple CHF 100,-/year
  • Student, Apprentice CHF 30,-/year
  • Company CHF 200,-/year

By bank transfer:

Association Frédéric Fellay

  • Banque Raiffeisen d’Arve et Lac :  IBAN CH94 8018 8000 0937 3199 4 – BIC Code: RAIFCH22
  • PostFinance : IBAN CH91 0900 0000 1223 3306 5 – BIC Code: POFICHBEXXX

By postal order:

Association Frédéric Fellay

  • Postal order : CCP 12-233306-5

I wish to join as a member-friend and/or make a donation :

    IndividualCoupleStudent, ApprenticeCompanyDonation

    Last Name

    First Name


    Postal Code/Locality

