The committee of the Frédéric Fellay Association

As Frédéric’s mother, I deeply wished to do something to fight against this terrible disease and alleviate the struggle of young adults in the same situation as my son. Within the organization, I do a bit of everything and discover every day the generosity, commitment and solidarity of the people around us, the courage of the families affected by the disease and the extreme benevolence of the caregivers. This gives me the courage to continue.

HUG Youth Space Project
As Fred’s younger brother, it went without saying that I would be part of this committee and get involved in this cause. I take pleasure in being part in the organization of different events that we hold every year and I more closely worked in the creation of the Space for Youths Project (Projet Espace Jeunes) at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG).

Member of the committee
As Frédéric’s father, I could not but adhere to this wonderful adventure that is our association that my wife and president Marie-Claude had the brilliant idea of creating. I am responsible for various tasks in the organization of events within the amazing team that makes up our committee.

Member of the committee
As a long-time friend of Christiane Borri, Marie-Claude Fellay’s sister, I was aware of the existence, the origin and the goals of the Association.
After having been in the office and then also on the board of the Geneva Cancer League for 16 years, it was only natural that I wanted to join the Association and its committee in order to help them. The LGC and the Association have the same goals, so I remain on familiar ground.
This is also what retirement is for !
The founding members
- The commitee
- Christian Voirol, Catherine Magnin : auditors
- Christiane Borri, Giovanni Borri, Laurent Châtelain, Lorette Corrado, Jean-Pierre Corrado, Alexandre Dubouloz, Jérôme Godeau, Patricia Prini, Jennifer Ramos, Jean-Luc Schalcher, Gina Voirol, Françoise Maerki Zimmerli.
With the scientific and friendly support of Professor Pierre-Yves Dietrich, previous head of the Oncology center of Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)